Four Peaks; Four Provinces; Twenty-Four Hours
At 12am on 17th June Dad, Mam and I said goodbye to our house and comfy beds, got into the car and set off up the country, all anxious and excited for what was to come. Little did we know then that in just 24 hours we would manage to: Walk for 14 hours and […]
The Galtee Crossing
Our first full crossing of the Galty Range, completing The Galtee Mountains Challenge. We dropped Dad’s car at Kilcoran Lodge for later and Mam drove us to Anglesboro, where we set off from. It was a beautiful day, we had lots of water packed. It took us an hour and 20 minutes to get to […]
The Comeragh Mountains Challenge
I had a half day at school, so Dad collected me and we decided to head to the Comeraghs to try The Comeragh Mountains Challenge. I ate a bit of Dinner en route and we met up with my uncle Johnny, joining us for this one, at the entrance to the bog close to our […]
8 Sport Hillwalking Locations, 83 Points
At 4:30, while most people were sleeping, Dad and I were in the car heading for Fenton’s Pub, the start point for our first climb of the day, Lugnaquillia. We had a list of 8 Sport Hillwalking Locations that we planned to work down as far as we could throughout the day. If we completed […]
A quick evening cycle up Slievenamuck under quickly darkening skies, racking up a few extra points for The All-Ireland Hillwalking Championships.
Kicking Off The Championships
After a massive feed of pancakes, Dad and I logged our first High Point as part of The All-Ireland Hillwalking Championships; Knocknaskagh. It was a nice brisk walk under dark skies, ideal for walking off the pancakes!